Wednesday 26 September 2012

Winter Time

Note to self: Work on title originality.... you're lacking. 

Fall is here, and I'm loving it! I used to be a summer person all the way, but then I put on a few pounds and realised sweaters are my friend :) Also, I discovered boots!! Who doesn't love boots?! I usually jump the gun and wear boots long before anyone else does, does that mean my feet get crazy hot and uncomfortable? Yes. Do I care? My feet look awesome in my boots, of course not! This year I have vowed to not buy any new pairs of boots (I did happen to buy one pair already but they were $10 so that doesn't count right?!?). We need to save money for other things so my boots wardrobe will have to suffer. I do however get to treat myself to a new fall/winter jacket Yay! Because sweaters are my best friend I tend to wear a lot of cardigans, and they  tend to get long. Maybe some people can pull off a sweater peaking out of their jacket but somehow I just can't make it work. So naturally my solution is to buy a longer jacket (and the husband gave me permission to do so!). Now I'm on the hunt for the perfect jacket! Here are a few that I've had my eye on.....

So cute right? Pro: not a lot of people will have it
Con: It's so light colored I'll probably get it dirty...and fast.

This is my second choice as of right now. It's a bit more practical but
doesn't quite look the same as what everyone else has.

This one isn't really me, I just thought it was cute! 

Seriously, how cute is this ?!? Again, not my style, 
I just wanted to share :) 

Basically there are two options I'm looking at. Buying a coat online is stressful, I don't want to make any rash decisions, I need help! So to all of my 2 "followers" what are your thoughts lol??? 


  1. Although the pink one is so adorbs, I think you should get the black one with the big bronze buttons because 1 - It's cute, and 2 - you won't have to worry about it looking dirty! Problem solved!

  2. I agree with Nellie on this one :) Get something that is practical but still has something different to offer. Once you have THAT then go ALL OUT on something like the pink cute one for special occasions or dressing up :)

  3. Thanks for the input ladies! I think I agree with both of you and will go with the more practical jacket.

  4. Or buy both cuz they're both cute ;)

    1. Well I bought jacket #2, just waiting for it to come in. And Christmas is coming up so feel free to get me a pretty pink present ;) ;)
