Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Beginning

I decided to finally start a blog! I thought to myself, everyone else has one, I should have one too. I've always liked the idea of writing my thoughts down, and from time to time I have but I'm usually not consistent with it. A few months ago I did start writing in a designated journal but those entries are few and far between. Whenever I've had a good thought or experience I wanted to document I'd usually grab the nearest paper and start jotting or email myself, both of which usually get forgotten about. Creating a blog I feel will be a nice way to always access what I want when I want it. My intentions are to have a blog about how I feel, experiences, things that I like, things that I don't like, DIY,  music, tv shows, beauty related things- basically a lifestyle blog. So if you interested, please follow along! I don't promise to be witty, to be extraordinary with my words or to have amazing photo's but I'll do me, and that I promise :)

I haven't decided what to officially blog about first, so keep checking in, hopefully I'll have something up in the next day or two!

                       And since an entry isn't an entry without a photo, I'll give you this... 

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