Wednesday, 5 February 2014


I know, I know, I know New Years resolutions in February?!?!  Well I got the idea after watching a youtube video to do a few resolutions and that was after New Years and I wanted to put some thought into it before just posting whatever came to mind. So after a great deal of thought (1 month to be exact) I have narrowed down my list! Would you like to read it? I'm sure you're just jonesing for a list so who am I to deprive you of that?

First a bit of back story:

I recently got a job after 6 months of being on unemployment so we are currently playing catch up. Unfortunately this is a term position so by the end of this month I will need to have another job lined up. If/when I get this new (permanent) job I plan on getting internet installed at our place and that way I can blog more consistently from home instead of sporadically at work. That being said, here we have The List:

2014 New Years Resolutions

-Blog more consistently (I wont put a certain number of posts per week but I'd like to at least aim for twice a week for now).
-Upload YouTube videos more consistently Again, wont be specific but I'd like to aim for once a week for now).
-Become more tech savvy in the world of blogging.
-Work on making my blog look more visually appealing (lots of ideas in the works for this!)
-Expand my makeup knowledge and techniques and go outside my comfort zones (this is for self growth and also to help the growth of my YouTube channel as well as when friends ask me to do their makeup for functions (which is happening more and more) ).
-Stop setting unrealistic savings plans (ie. setting a date to have X amount of $) and instead focus on making weekly budgets and just putting money into savings as I go and see where I end up (I'd like to thank my friend Nellie for opening my eyes to this).
-Taking more pictures with my actual camera as opposed to my camera on my phone (this one will prove to be difficult I already know).
-Being more active in terms of not just sitting on my couch after work in the evenings, go out, be with people, go to the gym, whatever!
-Being more active in my Christianity. Not just opening my Bible on days of Bible study.
-Read more (I don't know what it is but I have not been in the mood and I have a stack of books that is just piling up).

That is all for my resolutions. I could add way more to that list but I'll just keep it to this so I don't get overwhelmed. I have this feeling that 2014 isn't going to be a good year for me so if I can focus on these few things then maybe they can help to brighten up my days. I'd really like to grow my blog and my youtube channel so I know that will be exciting for me. Of course I'll be also focusing on bettering myself as a person but this isn't just a resolution this is an every day of my life type thing.

I think that is all for now and I hope to be posting a another post next week!

Ps. my YouTube channel is BeautyByDez2 if you're interested in checking it out ;)

Pps. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I'm not blogging from home, there will definitely be more picture filled posts in the future though, just bare with me!

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