Monday, 24 February 2014

Regular or Dark Roast?

Let’s have coffee!


If you were to come over to my “house” (I live in an apartment but always call it a house, it just flows in conversation better) for coffee this is what it might look like:

If we were comfortable with each other you would know to come in the back door so I wouldn’t have to buzz you in, in which case the first sign of your arrival would be your knock on the door. At that point I would yell for you to come in and you could let yourself in. If we were super comfortable with each other you would knock and just walk in because you know just how lazy I am.

If we didn’t know each other super well you would probably enter through the front door in which case you would have to be buzzed in. I’d try to work my buzzing contraption and it may not work the first time. You might wonder what is taking me so long to buzz you in, you may stand in the cold awkwardly or uncomfortably for a few beats before you decide to press the buzzer again. I would then at that point hopefully have figured out my temperamental contraption and have successfully buzzed you in. You would then walk up 3 flights of stairs and knock on my door waiting for me to answer it as you catch your breath. I’d open the door and welcome you in, you might make a remark about how out of shape you are and I would reassure you it happens to everyone but fortunately I am used to it and those stairs are now a breeze for me.

I’d guide you into my living room and we would sit down on my sectional, I would pick the spot I don’t usually sit in and this will make me feel weird, I won’t say anything about it though.  Then I would remember I should offer you coffee and if we were comfortable with each other you would already know to make it yourself because again, I’m a horribly lazy host. However, if we weren’t comfortable with each other or just met I would get up and ask you how you like your coffee. I would brew it in my Tassimo and I’d offer you regular or dark roast.  I would offer you whipping cream or powdered cream and then possibly tell you about how I finally (after months and months and months) remembered to pick up powdered cream so that I had a backup for when my whipping cream was out.

I wouldn’t offer you any food, I wouldn’t even think about it or think it to be rude. If I had thought about it I would hope you weren’t hungry but since I most likely hadn’t thought about it obviously I wouldn’t care (and I mean that in the nicest way possible).

I would ask you how you are doing, if you aren’t much of a talker you would say “good and you?”  and I would take that as an invitation to tell you how I truly am doing because I like to talk. I would most likely tell you about my work situation, that I am out of a job in a week with nothing lined up for after. I would tell you that I hope I don’t go too long without a job because I don’t have any other source of income and we were finally able to start catching up from me being off work for 6 months during the summer. I would also tell you that I’m not worried though, that I truly have put my faith in God and I know He has a plan for me. So He will tell me where He wants me to go in His own time. I would tell you that I will wait patiently and I will see where God takes me. Then I might tell you that a year ago this wouldn’t have been an easy task for me, I would have been worried and budgeting and getting frustrated because my budgeting wouldn’t work without a job. I would be stressed about the unknown and the lack of prospect jobs.

That conversation would remind me of personal growth and I would possibly tell you about how my patience tolerance has been getting better. I would tell you about how I prayed for the job I have now, that I wanted it so badly, that I begged God to make this be the job I was to get. And then when I got it I was so upset because it wasn’t what I thought it would be but I put my faith in God and I LISTENED (for ONCE in my life lol) and I stuck it out and this job ended up being a blessing in disguise. I would tell you how work has tested my patience and I have exceeded my own expectations with flying colors.  I would tell you how it took me almost 3 months to realize it was God answering my prayers because I had prayed for exactly that- patience J

Maybe at that point you would have something to say and we would talk about your life happenings. We would maybe talk about the weather but I would hope not since that is so generic and since you know me well enough to come to my house for coffee I would expect we don’t need to speak generically. I wouldn’t tell you this but you would just find out on your own, if you had any reservations about coming over for fear of nothing to talk about, those fears would melt away after you see just how much I can talk. We might get on the subject of makeup because from your place on the couch you would be able to look directly into my makeup room. You might ask who’s room is that and I would respond with “mine!” You would look confused because you would know I am married and then I would go on to explain. I would even take you into the room itself and I’d open drawers for you to look into and I’d watch your facial expressions when you see just how much makeup I have. I would be a little embarrassed and also a little proud, I wouldn’t tell you that though. You might say you would never know what to do with so much makeup and I would tell you I just keep wanting more and more. I might make my justifications to you or I might just let it be. You might take that opportunity to ask me some makeup related questions and I would offer my best advice.

After we sat back on the couch I would tell you I make YouTube videos and that would launch a whole social media conversation. I would most definitely ask you if you have Vine and if you said no I would make you download it. I would first tell you to follow me and then after that I would tell you to look at who I am following and just follow all of those people. I would gauge your sense of humor and if I thought it appropriate  I would then show you vines from my favorite viner Tom Vrab (and if you have not seen his vines you must go watch them immeditately!). If your sense of humor was not at all like mine I would maybe refrain from talking about Vine at all lol...

Our conversation would most definitely turn to TV, I would ask you if you have seen The Walking Dead and if you had we would delve into a passionate conversation and I would ask you who you hope dies next (never would I thought I would ask such questions, what has TV turned me into ?! Who am I!? Oh well I love it). I would tell you my favorite character is Daryl and I would guess that yours is Glen.  I would then proceed to ask if you have ever seen Sons of Anarchy and I would gasp in shock if you said no. As I walk over to my drawer of TV seasons I would offer to borrow them to you immediately not really taking no for an answer.

As our coffee date winds down I would tell you I had a lot of fun and we should definitely do it again sometime. I wouldn’t be lying either because I wouldn’t say it otherwise. You would agree because you think I’m so awesome ;)

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