Before I fell asleep last night I was thinking to myself
about what I could write about for my next blog post. I didn't come up with anything but at about
1am I woke up and the idea popped into my head about writing down my favorite
things as of late. So I’m going to listen to my inner slumber and
write about it. I actually have no idea what I’m even going to say so we’ll
both be surprised I guess!
Dark roast coffee
Candy crush
You can call me the Candy Crush Queen if you'd like
I wouldn't object ;)
But seriously though, how addicting is this game?!?
Day dreaming of trips
Seems I can never get enough of getting away.
Healthy soy hairspray
Because seriously, how can you not love something
that keeps your hair in place on windy days
like we've been having lately?
The walking dead
Okay seriously, my love for this show is unreal! I could watch it on repeat that's how obsessed I am. It's suspenseful, well plotted, main characters die (well not 'the' main character...not yet anyway). It's gory but not too gory. I welcome the nightmares it brings. However if Darryl Dixon dies I might not welcome the nightmares. I hope there is many more seasons to come! This show deserves a whole post to itself on my blog!
Working Out
I recently re-joined the gym and I couldn't be happier about that choice. I spent the summer going for walks and doing at-home workouts here and there (more like less here and less there) but I hadn't been to an actual gym in a year. Honestly I was a bit afraid, the last time I was there I never saw any results and just got totally frustrated. I blame it on lack of motivation but mostly lack of knowledge. I didn't know what I was doing or what to do to get certain results I wanted. Since then I started following more fitness pages on Instagram, and not just fitspo crap but real every day people posting about their workouts and such. That in itself is a huge motivation for me and I love when I can get new exercise ideas and eating ideas too. Last year I didn't change my eating at all and I guess I just didn't want to believe that you cant out work a bad diet. Also, a lot of my friends have joined the gym and even though I mostly go by myself it's nice to be able to talk about it with people who share an interest. I can also be a bit competitive which will totally help for weight loss lol. I've been there for a total of 4 weeks, last week I wasn't there at all, life kind of just got in the way but I found myself sad about it. Also, yesterday I went to a yoga class and I found myself sad that I didn't get to go to the gym. It's kind of cool to feel that way, I hardly ever dread going and usually look forward to it! Also, yoga is hard! Not to mention my hands get super sweaty immediately so I can't hold a pose for longer then it takes my hands to slip right off the mat :I
I recently re-joined the gym and I couldn't be happier about that choice. I spent the summer going for walks and doing at-home workouts here and there (more like less here and less there) but I hadn't been to an actual gym in a year. Honestly I was a bit afraid, the last time I was there I never saw any results and just got totally frustrated. I blame it on lack of motivation but mostly lack of knowledge. I didn't know what I was doing or what to do to get certain results I wanted. Since then I started following more fitness pages on Instagram, and not just fitspo crap but real every day people posting about their workouts and such. That in itself is a huge motivation for me and I love when I can get new exercise ideas and eating ideas too. Last year I didn't change my eating at all and I guess I just didn't want to believe that you cant out work a bad diet. Also, a lot of my friends have joined the gym and even though I mostly go by myself it's nice to be able to talk about it with people who share an interest. I can also be a bit competitive which will totally help for weight loss lol. I've been there for a total of 4 weeks, last week I wasn't there at all, life kind of just got in the way but I found myself sad about it. Also, yesterday I went to a yoga class and I found myself sad that I didn't get to go to the gym. It's kind of cool to feel that way, I hardly ever dread going and usually look forward to it! Also, yoga is hard! Not to mention my hands get super sweaty immediately so I can't hold a pose for longer then it takes my hands to slip right off the mat :I
can prove that :s but it is so addicting. There is so much
talent on this app its ridiculous. My vines are no where near greatness but I enjoy making them and getting better. Some of my favorite viners are:
-Jesse Pomerico -Kayleigh Isabella -Chrish
-Zachary Piona -Kayla Ann -Caleb Hurst
-Steph Barkley -Jacob Kornwolf -Tony Tomahawk
-Pastatute -Hannah Pilkes -JacklynK
-Manon Mathews -Tom Vrab -Chris delia
I could seriously go on and on but these are probably my top picks.
Music in my playlist I've been diggin' lately:
Mr. Probz- Waves
David Guetta- Dangerous
Lights- Speeding
Calvin Harris- Blame
Taylor Swift- Wildest Dreams
Mr. Probz- Waves
David Guetta- Dangerous
Lights- Speeding
Calvin Harris- Blame
Taylor Swift- Wildest Dreams
Command Start/Heated Seats
Now that winter is here I'm so beyond relieved that I actually have command start, and I would also be excited about heated seats except for that mine is broken. So if anyone wants to drive me around so I can sit in the passenger seat (cuz that one still works) I wouldn't be opposed to it ;)
2.Cerdiwen Cauldron Bath Melt
3.Grease Lightening Facial Serum
4.Ambrosia Shave Cream
superb products ..want to buy all
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