Lets talk about wax baybeeee, lets talk about you and me! Ok I'm done. That's a spin on a song by the way in case you didn't catch that! I little while ago I had told my sister in law that I wanted to make a post but didn't know what to write about. Then she gave me the idea of writing about my waxing experience (guys, you can tune out at this point). Obviously I didn't make this post right when she had given me the idea but I knew I still wanted to write about it. It wasn't a traumatizing experience or anything special but after I had done it I was like why on earth have I waited so long to do this?!?!? And I have not gone back to shaving since!
First let's talk about the two different types of waxing (in my area anyway, not sure if there is numerous different kinds out there). There's Honey waxing and Sugar waxing.
Honey Waxing
Basically this is a heated up wax that is applied directly to the skin with a wooden spatula and a woven strip placed on top of the wax. The wax latches onto your hair and from pulling on the woven strip it pulls out the hair from the root. Because each hair is pulled out from the root this is what takes the hair more time to grow back. So you're left with a silky smooth surface for a few weeks! Benefits to waxing are that each time you go in and get waxed, your hair will grow back slower and more sparse. This doesn't necessarily mean you will go in one month and then two months and then three months apart, there will still always be hair growing back it will just be more patchy and less thick. Also your hair will be finer and a lot softer. Also honey waxing is a lot faster then sugar waxing however you can't go over the same patch of hair twice so whatever hair doesn't get pulled out right away has to be tweezed off (you will already be slightly numb from the wax strip anyway so tweezing doesn't hurt at all). Also, and this is minor, you might be left kind of sticky afterward which is just a bit uncomfortable but this can be removed with any type of oil.

Sugar Waxing
First of all I will say that sugar waxing in a salon and sugar waxing kits from the store are completely different. The kits from the store work exactly the same as honey waxing but the cleanup is a lot easier (can be taken off with water instead of oil). I have tried this myself and I did like the method and it was a lot less messy however store kits do not compare to salon waxing (in my opinion). In the salon the sugar wax is almost like a sticky putty like consistency. This is not done with woven strips. They take a small amount of the wax in their hands and place it directly onto a small area, smoothing it down with their fingers then grabbing the wax with their fingers and pulling it off. They continue to use the same blob of wax until it no longer pulls any hair out. That blob gets thrown out (along with the glove they (should) have on) and grab a new blob to continue on.
Now lets talk about the benefits to waxing versus shaving. Shaving is kind of a quick easy thing but it needs to be done every day, waxing will keep your skin baby smooth for at least a good 2 weeks before it starts growing back. Do you have any idea how much that cuts down my shower time?! I myself have gotten my bikini area and under arms done. Eventually I might do my legs but for now I'll keep my costs down by continuing to shave those. If you have really think coarse hair it immediately makes it softer and more sparse (definitely love that). Also if you have an ingrown hair problem (like I do) this really helps minimize that. The only downfall to waxing is that you have to let the hair grow for a good 2 weeks (from when it actually starts to reach the surface of your skin) before you can get it waxed again and that is quite the time to have hair growing where you don't want it growing. Plus if you are getting your under arms done then that really sucks in summer because who wants to be caught with their arms up when they've got a jungle goin' on under there?!

There's also a lot of at home recipes for sugar waxing, this could be worth
trying out if you're wanting to save a few dollahs $$
I personally have not tried any so I can't weigh in on that.
Another thing worth mentioning is comparing store bought waxes to going to the salon. For me personally, I like the idea of going to a salon and treating myself to something beauty related. It makes me feel all feminine and good about myself. But another thing is that you just lay back and let them do their job. If you are doing a wax kit at home you have to either pull those strips yourself (if you have the guts) or get your husband to do it (sexy)... well you could always get your roommate or sister to do it but saying husband just seemed to prove my point better. Also they just don't seem to do the job as well. I've tried waxing my own legs a few times, using different waxes and I just never seem to get all the hair. It's never baby smooth and if I'm going to be going through the pain of waxing then my skin sure as hell better be smoother then a babies bum. I've also tried the at home sugar waxing kit on my bikini area and not one hair came off. You read that right, NOT ONE HAIR!!!! I was beyond frustrated. That is actually the moment I decided to go to a salon in the first place. Too bad I hadn't tried waxing that area myself years ago!
I'll talk about my experience in a minute but I just wanted to expand on why I said I would never go back to shaving. It's soooooo easy! You go in, you lay down, they get to work, you drop some cash monies, you walk out a hairless beauty! As if that isn't enough, you shower the next day and look down and you just want to keep petting your own skin because its so damn smooth (it's not weird to do that I promise). On top of that your shower time is shortened, and personally for me I'm less embarrassed about my underarms. I have an ingrown hair problem on my bikini area and also my underarms. So much so that I will refuse to lift my arms if I'm not wearing a sweater. It's not super gross or anything but they aren't smooth and clear and with the ingrowns comes a little bit of a darker coloration. I've gotten them done twice now but I just continued to tweeze them after my second time because I joined the gym and lift my arms a lot. I don't really have a time where I can let them grow out... now that I think about it though I guess I could always wear a sweater. If you are going to do this though you need to be careful, tweezing can lead to ingrowns as well if you don't pull the hair out from the root.If you pull and the hair snaps it can start to grow in circles under the skin and that is what an in grown hair is. The same reason is why I wont go back to shaving my bikini area. The skin there is so sensitive and prone to in growns as well so it's just all around a better deal for me if I keep waxing.
Oh and another thing worth mentioning is price. I think price will vary between salons but for the most part I think they keep it pretty competitive. I think for a brazilian it was around $50 for Sugar and around $40 for honey. Kits you can get in the store vary as well, I think when I bought the sugar wax it was around $20. I've also bought nair (the cream wax) for probably around $7. I wouldn't recommend the cream waxes for hair removal, it doesn't take the hair out from the root at all.
Now for my experience:
I walk into the salon and the women leads me to a room, she instructs me to undress and lay on the table with the sheet covering my bottom half. After she leaves I notice there is another door in this room, covered by curtains, it's a little sketchy but whatever I'll roll with it. I remove my shoes, socks, pants and underwear and climb onto the table that's lined with paper. After a while the women comes back into the room and we begin. She removes the sheet covering me, I don't know what to do with my hands so I just lay them on my stomach. This is the first time anyone other then my doctor has looked at my vagina, surprisingly I'm pretty cool about it but my hands are super sweaty. She looks down and the first thing out of her mouth is "Oh my goodness!" immediately I'm thinking what?! what?! Do I have an abnormal vagina? I mean I know it can't very well be pretty, it's covered in hair but do I fall under the ugly vag category?! I try to laugh it off and cooly say "oh... what's wrong?" she puts her face eerily close to my hoo ha and says "you have a lot of in grown hair!" I let out a sigh "ya, that's why I'm doing this, so I can put a stop to that" Then she goes on to talk about it a bit more, at this point I'm a little self conscious but hey, that's why I traveled an hour and a half to get this done instead of doing it in my home town ;) . She starts the waxing and oh. my. goodness. it hurt. Not like super a lot but enough to make me wince. She asked me to pull the skin tight with my hands and of course since they are still sweaty they are slipping and sliding everywhere so I keep having to readjust. Eventually she gets to the center and I guess I let out a breath when she pulled the hair out cuz she stopped, put her hands over my hands and told me not to cry. I laughed and said I wouldn't cry, then I asked if some girls do. She told me that a lot do actually. I was surprised at that, I mean ya it hurt but it wasn't anything I couldn't withstand. I do think I have a high pain tolerance though. Well maybe not super high but higher then some girls I guess. Well I must since I didn't even cry :p .Then she gets me to flip over to ...ahem...do my back side. Like in between the cheeks ya know. I would highly recommend doing this. Who wants hair there anyway?! Gross! Then she makes you spread them with your hands... it's a little weird, I feel like that's how I would feel getting anal cavity searched in a prison...but she didn't.. you know.. go in. Alright! Moving on lol.
After she was finished she told me to check it out. I awkwardly half sit up, look down, sure it looks like a hairless vagina but I feel I need to do more because she's looking at me expectantly. So I take my hands squish my thigh to the side, and again to the other side, I look at her "yep! looks good" She seems content with that and puts the blanket back over me and leaves the room. I wasn't sure if I'd be walking funny after that (I don't know why I thought I would) but nope, I was walking normally and pain free. It was a little sensitive if I would press on it but otherwise all was good. I tipped her $10 too, not sure if that isn't a lot but it's better then nothing and if I'm gonna tip my hair dresser for touching my hair I'm sure gonna tip by vagina technician for touching my nether regions (also just for information sake, don't worry about getting turned on at all... not sure if that would be a concern of yours or not... she spritzes you down with sanitizer then wipes you down like shes changing a babies diaper... then to add to that she douses it in baby powder to dry it all off, it's all very professional and the least bit sexy).
The second time I went in I got a honey wax, it was nice to compare the two, I also got my underarms done at that time. I will say this, make sure your hair has grown for at least 2 weeks because my hair wasn't long enough and not a lot came out with the waxing. She ended up having to go in with the tweezers and pretty much tweezed all of my underarms. They were pretty numb after a while so I didn't feel much.
I think that's about all I have to say about vaginas and armpits and wax. Hope you enjoyed the read and maybe I've convinced you to get your vajayjay done too ;)