Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Huge Haul

Hello all! Some exciting news for me to share, I got a job! Well I have a job lined up for when I'm done the job I'm currently at. I couldn't be more excited because this means that I get to go shopping and not feel bad about it. Also, it means my New York trip we're planning is a definite yes... now my only obstacle is to tell my new boss that I need some time off in summer lol. Hopefully that goes over well. And it also means that we will be getting internet at home so I can start putting more effort into my blog and YoutTube channel. I'm so excited to start working there I feel like it's exactly where I am supposed to be. I prayed so much about finding a job and I applied at places and had great interviews but I wasn't getting anything. I had asked God not to let anyone call me after an interview if I wasn't supposed to work there and I promised I wouldn't feel bad about it. Like you know, wonder why they didn't want you after an interview that went so well. This company called me after the interview and I didn't even hesitate because I knew. And obviously God knows how indecisive I can be with big decisions so He made this pretty easy for me and I couldn't be more grateful!
I received a package yesterday, or rather I received the card telling me I have a package waiting at the post office. When I went to go get it I was 4 mins late and the person refused to give me the package so now I have to wait until I'm done work today to get it and I am ddyyyyiinnnnnggggg to get my hands on it. Isn't that dumb? I know exactly what it is and I know I will have it in my hands in a few hours but it is just killing me inside. I guess my future kind of rides on this package as well but more on that when the time is right ;)
In the mean time I will post for you a video of stuffs that I got! I'm not bragging in this video I just like to watch these kinds of videos so why not make some like it too right?! And again, in the future there will be a detailed list of all products used/mentioned in posts.


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