Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Huge Haul

Hello all! Some exciting news for me to share, I got a job! Well I have a job lined up for when I'm done the job I'm currently at. I couldn't be more excited because this means that I get to go shopping and not feel bad about it. Also, it means my New York trip we're planning is a definite yes... now my only obstacle is to tell my new boss that I need some time off in summer lol. Hopefully that goes over well. And it also means that we will be getting internet at home so I can start putting more effort into my blog and YoutTube channel. I'm so excited to start working there I feel like it's exactly where I am supposed to be. I prayed so much about finding a job and I applied at places and had great interviews but I wasn't getting anything. I had asked God not to let anyone call me after an interview if I wasn't supposed to work there and I promised I wouldn't feel bad about it. Like you know, wonder why they didn't want you after an interview that went so well. This company called me after the interview and I didn't even hesitate because I knew. And obviously God knows how indecisive I can be with big decisions so He made this pretty easy for me and I couldn't be more grateful!
I received a package yesterday, or rather I received the card telling me I have a package waiting at the post office. When I went to go get it I was 4 mins late and the person refused to give me the package so now I have to wait until I'm done work today to get it and I am ddyyyyiinnnnnggggg to get my hands on it. Isn't that dumb? I know exactly what it is and I know I will have it in my hands in a few hours but it is just killing me inside. I guess my future kind of rides on this package as well but more on that when the time is right ;)
In the mean time I will post for you a video of stuffs that I got! I'm not bragging in this video I just like to watch these kinds of videos so why not make some like it too right?! And again, in the future there will be a detailed list of all products used/mentioned in posts.


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

The Dream

Have you ever had a dream? Something you are striving for? Something you are so passionate about that you are unstoppable and as determined as you have ever been to reach that dream. I’ve never had that. I’ve never had that one dream (or multiple dreams for that matter) that I was striving for. It wasn’t that I didn’t want a dream, in fact I’ve always yearned for it an envied the people who had dreams and were reaching them. Sometimes I’d even go so far as to be mad at those people because I was just jealous (to be clear I mean celebrities reaching fame and that sort of thing, I never had any bad thoughts to anyone in my personal life reaching a dream, I was/am always truly happy for them). I mean I have had goals and reached those goals, for example getting married and having the type of job that I have. But I’m talking more of what drives me, what makes me passionate. I’ve always had ideas of what I’d like to do but I wasn’t crazy about it. It was like I was going to settle for any possible dream just to say I had a dream. That wouldn’t be fair to myself because if I reached that fake dream then I wouldn’t even feel accomplished or get any gratification from it. There has always been this one idea in the back of my mind but I never thought it was possible, I didn’t think it was in the cards for me so I just didn’t count it as an attainable dream, or a dream at all. BUT I am here to say that I have finally found a dream that I feel is worth working toward!!! I am beyond excited about, unfortunately I can’t exactly go into detail about it at this time but in the next few months things should get started and then I will be able to speak more on it. I feel so relieved that I finally have something to work toward, the ultimate goal! I think about it all the time, it’s consuming me and I love it. And because of that I know that if the avenue I’m wanting to take for it doesn’t work out, I’ll just try to find other avenues instead of giving up.

This dream will ultimately be a source of income, if it turns into something that could support me as a full time job then that would be fantastic, if it only ends up being a side source of extra spending money then that’s awesome too! I just want something extra in my life you know? Like a job that is also a hobby and this will provide that for me. This project also involves partnering up with a friend of mine (and also sister in law) so naturally I’m so excited about that. I get to share every aspect of this particular dream with her and she’ll be able to relate and understand and I feel like that is going to be such a great part of it all.

I didn’t want to jump the gun or count my chickens before they hatch (I’ve always hated that expression, I really don’t know why I chose to use it now lol) but I couldn’t help but daydream. This is my first real dream I’ve ever had so I’m bound to get over excited about it ;) I used my mind to peak into my future and of course I know it might not look how I made it look, God is in charge of that, but it brought a big smile to my face none the less and gave me a vision to keep close for when I’m down on my goals ya know?! My vision was on how a day would look living my dream:

A bit of background- in this vision this dream has become a full time job for me and/or this is me being a stay at home mother with this as a side source of income.

The Vision

I wake up and get ready and dressed, my usual. I make my way over to the kitchen and start brewing my first cup of coffee, as that’s brewing I walk into my office to fire up my computer. After my coffee is made and I settle in at my desk (by the way my office looks super cute in this vision) and check my emails. After that I log into all social media outlets and catch up on comments and the sort as well as making a blog post. I then check my orders and see what all needs to be packaged up and sent out (this is what I can’t divulge in so this vague explanation will have to do). I then go to one of my many spreadsheets and fill out the orders and check inventory and that sort of thing. After this I go to the mail and see what kind of packages I’ve received and lug everything back home. At this point Nancy comes over with some takeout for a mini lunch meeting where she starts freaking out inventory levels and cash sales. I calm her down and we make a breakdown of what we need to do and we come to a solution together. As we finish up our lunch we go over the orders together and then start the packaging process as we chat about life and how pretty my hair looks. That takes a few hours and after we are finally done Nancy takes the packages to the post office on her way out. I take this time to catch up on other blogs and social media sites I like to look at and then I go for coffee with Nellie and Tina because I no longer have a 9-5 job. Nellie asks how business is going and I jump into a conversation with them on how great everything is. We talk for about an hour and then browse some stores and so some window shopping. Then I pop in at Superstore to pick up some ingredients for supper and start making that so I have it ready for when Mark comes home (just in case Mark is reading this- on this particular day in this scenario I have supper ready for you, however, this does not mean I make supper alone every day). Then I spend the evening doing normal non-work things and start the day over again the next day. Obviously every day doesn’t look exactly like this, sometimes I go for coffee with my mom instead of Nellie and Tina ;)

So now that I’ve waaaaay jumped the gun I’m going to get back to my normal life how it is now and just hope and pray that this all works out just the way Nancy and I want it to!

Hope you are having a lovely day. Sure is the perfect day to work toward YOUR dreams!