Tuesday, 8 October 2013


So my little brother got married about a month ago and I just thought I'd share with you the speech that I wrote!

Growing up with 2 brothers and being the only girl wasn’t always easy. I mean ya, Troy did tell me one time while playing barbies that he wished he was a girl but it just wasn’t the same. Being the only girl wasn’t always hard though because I was the middle child with Troy being the baby. Matt, our older brother, and I didn’t always get along and because I was too small to fight back, I took my frustrations out on Troy instead. He was smaller then me at the time which made it pretty easy to do. It didn’t take long for Troy to hit a growth spurt though making him not so small anymore. Needless to say me taking out my frustrations ended pretty quickly. I think I was half expecting to get back everything I had dished out but not surprisingly I didn’t. I say not surprisingly because Troy just isn’t that type of person, he never has been. Troy usually took my healthy sister beatings rather gracefully. I hardly ever got told on and almost never got a Charlie horse in return. These qualities he’s held onto throughout the years and I can say it’s made him a better person. I don’t think I know a more loyal friend then Troy. He’s someone you can count on to always have your back.

Some of you may not know Troy very well so I’m going to take this time to enlighten you on what it was like to grow up with this guy. I think it’s safe to say that Troy isn’t always the…. Brightest person, sometimes the idea is there but he just can’t quite execute it that well. So when you’re younger you usually don’t have a lot of money come Christmas time which is understandable, one Christmas when we were younger Troy thought he was being crafty and got me a bouncy ball as a gift, this was fine, I liked bouncy balls. But then the next year I unwrap my gift… and its another bouncy ball, and I’m thinking to myself I’m starting to see a pattern emerge here, but this time he had gotten even craftier and I recognized this bouncy ball. Turns out Troy had given me one of Matt’s bouncy balls for Christmas. Soooo… thanks for that Troy!

Being the baby of the family has it’s perks and Troy knew how to take full advantage of that, I just remember every time we were asked to do the dishes Troy had 2 back up plans, he would either conveniently have to go poop or have a crying tantrum and he would ALWAYS get out of it. I really don’t remember actually doing dishes with Troy, it was always me and Matt. Even two years ago at Christmas time the boys had to do dishes so, Mark, Matt and Troy…. Oh no wait Troy was in the living room cuz Mom felt sorry for him for having shoulder surgery. He probably planned that surgery.

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the time when our parents were trucking and I got a phone call at work from my friend asking why there were fire trucks at my place. I knew Troy was home alone so I started freaking out, I finally got a hold of Troy on the phone and I asked what was going on, he replied with “nothing much.” I then asked about the fire trucks and he said “oh ya, I started a fire in the back yard” After I got home I noticed just how big that fire actually was. Troy had been burning garbage on a windy day and the fire caught a tree, which then caught another tree and also spread through the grass. It got pretty close to the house by the time it was finally put out. I’m just glad he had the sense to call the fire department. Unfortunately he lost that sense that following weekend when we were having a hot tub party and he decided to point the fireworks towards the bushes in front of the house. Good thing we had hot tub water to put out that fire before it spread.

Troy and Nancy have had their share of ups and downs as most couples have and I remember during a down time me and Troy having a conversation about you Nancy. He told me that he had always only loved you. He said that you made him feel complete and it was only you that he wanted. I remember during that time that I wasn’t sure if Troy would ever be able to settle down. And then there you were, taming the wild boy inside of him and helping him to become a man. I get emotional talking about it because I got to see you grow up Troy, I got to see you make mistakes. I got to see you both bring a beautiful little girl into this world and I’m so happy it’s led to this day. That I got to see you both get married, Troy looking so handsome, and Nancy looking gorgeous.

Now I’ve only been married for two years so I’m hardly claiming to be an expert but I do have some advice and I think my husband Mark can agree to this-  Troy, your wife is. Always. Right. And that’s really all the advice I have!

Moving on, Troy even though we didn’t always get along when we were younger I really am thankful that we have become friends. Our friendship has taken a while to develop but I can always count on you to make me laugh…. Or for you to ask me for a ride, but I will always say yes because that’s what friends are for. This also means we can share inside jokes like saying “Go to way”, or calling you Chin or you trying to make T-Roy take off,  I’m happy I found a friend in my brother. I’m also happy to have gained a sister out of my friend Nancy. Welcome to the family Nancy and I wish you and Troy a lifetime of happiness together. I love you both. 


The speech was received well so that was  a lode off. The wedding came together beautifully and I must say, my brother and his wife are extremely photogenic! The pictures came out gorgeous I just love them!! I still need to see if Nancy will let me print a few pictures to add to my own albums. Although I love planning weddings myself and looking at wedding photos I am not a huge wedding fan. Like the actual day I mean. I don't know why really lol but I'm just glad that it's over. Even though it wasn't my wedding it's just nice to have that 'accomplished' if you will. No more stress for anyone and now the couple is just married and all is well and we can look at pretty pictures and thats good enough!

Sorry I've been MIA for a while, I've just been really focused on my Youtube channel (which is BeautyByDez2 by the way ;)   )  and just other life happenings. Also it's really difficult to keep up with a blog if you don't actually have internet at home ya know!? But that shall soon change as well, as soon as I get a job (ya thats right, I still don't have a job) we will get internet and then I can be more frequent on here. Thanks for stickin in there with me, luv ya!