Hello Lovelies!
Today will be just a bit of this and that post. That makes sense right? A little bit of this, and a little bit of that lol. I've done a few things around the house lately, and hopefully today I get more done, we'll see how that pans out though. Anyway, I just wanted to share a few things that I've done with all of you!
If you follow me on IG (instagram) you would have seen a picture I posted of all my shoes needing a home. I knew I wanted a concealed storage unit to put in my makeup room so I could put a little decore on the top of it. I've been wanting to add more personal touches to that room so that seemed like a good way to be able to do it. While in the Grand Forks this past weekend we picked up a cabinet thingy to make a home for my shoesies. I built it almost completely by myself and only made one minor mistake. Unfortunately it looks a bit cheaper then I thought it would but oh well, it will do for now.
View from the outside.
View from the inside. I don't think you can notice from
this photo but I put the backing on the
wrong way so its a light grey instead of white but
it will be closed all the time anyway.
And view from the inside which as you can
see houses my boots.
The frames on the top of that aren't staying, in fact they are already gone, I was just trying different things out. This is the room I wanted to work on today so maybe I'll have pics up soon of how I rearrange everything. I just don't really know what I want to do with it yet so we'll see how far I get. I spend a lot of time in there so I want to be happy when I walk into that room :)
We finally found a frame for a picture I bought in New York. I'm not sure if I shared this story already but I'll do a re-cap. I bought a 10X20 picture off of little cart on the corner near Times Square and it was framed and everything. After carefully packing it away it proved to not be good enough and the glass on the frame shattered while in bag check. After searching high and low for the size frame (which is IMPOSSIBLE), we found a frame that was verrrry close to that size while in Grand Forks. It actually had a different picture in it (also of a building in New York lol) which I wanted to keep and use it for something else but it ended up being attached to the backing of the frame so I ended up having to tape my picture onto the existing picture. It was kind of unfortunate but I'll live. This is the finished product:

That's the placement of it anyway, hard to tell exactly where it is since its a close up of the wall but whatever. It's kind of blurry, maybe this close up shot will look better.... no never mind it looked just as bad so I deleted it.
Moving on... I went to Shoppers Drugmart a few days ago and picked up a few things, my friend had told me about this end bunk they have thats filled with perfume/cologne for $20. It's decent sized bottles and good ones too so I picked myself up a bottle of Lovely by Sara Jessica Parker. Now that my perfume collection is growing I'd like to get a cute tray to put them on to sort of better display them. I love perfume bottles, they look so pretty :) Shoppers also has these brown bags full of makeup products for only $5!!! Its a donation for... I forget what for but what better excuse to buy makeup then for it being a donation?! So naturally, I grabbed a bag for myself. It's such a cool deal because practically each item in the bag is over $5 in value so you are sssooo getting your moneys worth out of it. And there is like 5ish items in each bag I think. That would be like a $50 value. Granted you wont like everything in the bag but you can always give it away as a gift or something. This is the stuff that I got:

This is the lot of it it, 3 lipsticks, 1 mascara, 1 nail polish
1 concealer, 1 foundation.
The mascara is actually brown, which I never get, but I tried it out on my bottom lashes and found out I actually like using that on the bottom for a softer affect. The Maybelline Age Rewind concealer I have really wanted in a larger bottle but its a really dark color, I'll have to see if I can use it when I'm more tan. The maybelline foam foundation is super dark too, I don't even know anybody I could give that to so I'm not sure what I'll do with it. The Sally Hansen nail polish is a really pretty nude color and the lipsticks are Maybelline, Revlon and the other one I forget and it wasn't familiar to me too. I tested them out and really like 2 out of the 3. Here's some swatches for ya:
It's probaby really hard to tell the color from these pictures but the
Maybelline is really pretty light pink, it goes on really smooth, I liked it. The cool
thing is is that I wouldn't normally have bought this, and ended up liking it.
The Revlon was a really nice red color, not too
in your face red, more of a softer red. I forget which one this was but
its the lipsticks with the lip balm in the middle. I've been wanting to try
this out actually and I really like it. It goes on so smooth and
really helps for not looking too chappy. I'd definitely get more of these.
This one was more of a brown color and I was going to give it to
my mom before I even tried it on but after trying it on I noticed
it's complete crap. I did tell my mom about it and she said
she'd still try it out anyway. It was really hard to get on my
lips and after I finally got enough coverage I noticed it had a
very sticky consistency. Not a fan at all.
This was the $20 perfume I got as well as a Benefit
They're Real mascara <- big fan!
That same day I also went to Dollarama and picked up a few things. Just some random things, I went specifically for a picture frame but ended up grabbing some other stuff as well.
I picked up a bag thingy to put on your heard when you have a headache. I thought this would come in handy when Mark and I get migraines, I think you can put hot or cold water in it. Then I got a cute makeup bag, I wanted something small enough to go in my purse but big enough to at least be able to hold brushes. I got double sided foam tape and 2 picture frames as well as a canvas thingy, its not actually a canvas it's wood but I don't know what you would call it. I thought it would be a cute addition for my makeup room since I want it to be travel themed. Now I just got to figure out where to put it.
Well thats all for today, hope you enjoyed everything. I've actually got 2 blog posts brewing up in my head so those should be up next week. I really want to be more regular with this whole posting thing. Hope everyone has a happy weekend!!!!