I don't even really know what I want to say so we'll see where this goes :s . Do you ever get those days where you just feel mad. Or upset. Today is one of those days for me.
I hate when I can't go to Tim Hortons in the morning because I had to wake my brother up for work which took longer then expected.
I hate when my boss says jump and expects me to jump right then and there.
I hate when I get a call at work and the person I give the call to says "I don't know the answer to what he wants" and then just stands there like he expects you to take care of his shit for him.
I hate when I want to listen to pretty music and that stupid Demi Lovato song comes on that I whole heartedly regret buying yet don't know how to delete.
I hate when I have plans for something and bring someone in on those plans and then they want to change everything.
I hate that I'm under appreciated at work.
I hate when someone from the past makes an appearance and then feels the need to whisper about you after you leave the room.
I hate when I itch my legs all the blue crap from my jeans gets under my finger nails.
I hate that Rihanna is back together with Chris Brown.
I hate when people on the phone talk too slow.
I hate that I haven't driven my escape in 3 weeks :(
Obviously you've gathered that I hate a lot of things today. Usually these things bother me, but not enough to get me down. Today they are just getting me down. I hate that I can't get out of this mood. Or maybe I hate that I don't want to get out of this mood? I don't like to let things get to me like that anymore, I've spent a great majority of my life being pissed off, I don't want to live like that. I want my heart to be full and the weight on my shoulders to be light. Usually I succeed at that. But not today.
I could list the things that I love in hopes to lift me up.
I love me niece and getting the privilege to watch her grow. It always amazes me how smart she is and how quick she is to pick up on things.
I love this photo and how you can tell it's genuine. I also love the way I look at my friend, it's my "I care about you" face.
I also love moments like these...
I also love this guy, and hope he feels better soon
I love the imagination of a child and how you can put on a feather boa and become a bird.
I love it when cousins get together and recreate moments of the past
I love it when my Dad comes home
I also love it when he puts his hood on. I secretly think it makes him feel cool and like he can fit in with us kids. You do fit in Dad, you do.
I also love this place, and what it's doing for my self esteem. (the gym, if you don't know)
Unfortunately listing things I love doesn't magically make my bad mood go away but it's nice to see that things I love are all around me. Good thing for me that today is Bible Study day. Nothing like a good healthy dose of worship to cure a bad day.